Blog Mission

"Mother Teresa once said ' I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.' She had it right. We're not authors, any of us. We are just the 'pencils.' Once we understand that we might actually become useful to God." Richard Stearns The Hole in our Gospel

"Never take your word of truth from my mouth,
for I have put my hope in your laws." Psalm 119:43

"May these words of my mouth and these meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
O Lord, My Rock and Redeemer" Psalm 19:14

"Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does." 1 Chronicles 16:24

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I appreciate how God uses objects we know to explain concepts beyond our full understanding.  There are countless verses on planting, seeds, plants and trees.  Our faith and even our own humanity is often compared to each of those.  Trees are often talked of in the psalms in specificity.  I know there is a reason why a palm, cypress, oak or olive tree is named in each instance.  This alone has heightened my curiosity.  Why would a I want to be a tree and not wheat plan or grapevine?  In visions and prophecies trees stand for mighty events and people.

This is a topic I will further explore but the simplest part of this has become clear during these horribly hot dry summer days.  All of my grass is brown.  I have to water my gardens to maintain color and life.  I have learned there are some plants that thrive with little water and others you can't water enough.  All plants need constant care to look there best, sun and water isn't enough.  To sell the plants the dead pieces must be removed and constant pruning is necessary for them to look as they were created.  I have been working at a nursery and I have noticed something, other than I will never own a petunia plant.  There is one thing, no matter where it is that is doing fine, trees.  All the trees, despite lack of water and horrible heat, are fine.  The leaves are green and the grass beneath them enjoy their shade.  The only thing green in my yard are my trees. Seedlings have begun to sprout up all over the crisp, brown, hard yard.  I stand amazed and slightly annoyed.  I don't want a forest in my yard after all.

So I began to skim the hundreds of verses regarding trees, plants, withering etc and  I have noticed something.  Just tough times in life - droughts - cause flowers and grass to wither.  The only time the trees wither is when God takes away something from them and causes them to wither for a time and a purpose.  I see withering as a lack of faith.  I don't want to be a flower that is here for a season or less because I can't find Living Water in the tough moments in life.  I want to be like a tree that has roots so deep into the Living Water that despite what goes on around me I can live.  Live for year and years, even thrive.  When for a time the Living Water reroutes itself I can still stand on the Rock holding to the knowledge of the Hope of Living Water.  Some of you will be able to see the changes in me from my time of drought and fire.  Some may even see me in the season of fall or winter and wonder if maybe I had died or given up.  Really all the time I am living with my roots deep and my branches stretched out high!  Waiting. Learning. Loving.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Other Side

It has been one of those days that you spend stuck remembering as much as you can about the one you have lost, wishing you could touch, smell, or listen to him.  Lost.  That is the word we use for someone who has 'gone before', passed away, moved on, died.  We try to use the word to make the reality of what has happened a little more generic.  Lost.  Like we misplaced our cell phone, car keys or favorite shirt.  I will admit it is how you feel when it first happens.  I soon realized, with a little divine intervention, that I hadn't lost Daniel.  How can you lose something when you know where he is.  I heard many times deep in my heart "MOM, you Know where I am."  It wasn't like we had walked to a store and I could no longer see him or we were at a park and despite my constant counting of children, "1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4" I was missing ONE.  No, it is much different.  I do know where he is, therefore he isn't lost.

It has been five years since I last heard him speak.  Since I last helped him with anything.  Since I last saw his smile and heard him laugh.  It has been five years since I have watched him play soccer, catch a fish, play with his sisters and little brother.  I have been waiting five years to hear him sing in church, chase him and give him a punch kiss.  I knew five years ago that it is better to think of the time yet to come.  Not to think of counting the time since the last but instead look forward to the future, when I get to do all those things again.  I can't wait to hear all he has been up too. A friend helped me think of it more as getting closer to when I can see him again.  She wondered if Daniel celebrates the day he moved to heaven!  What a wonderful thought!  I am sure he does, I know the angels rejoice when we first move in!  I am sure they would be glad to rejoice each year!